A dozen problems were used to write the book, The Wealthy Gardener. And the final trouble-shooting section in the book points readers from these common problems to the “life lessons” that were written to address them.
Financial challenges exist to teach a lesson and then exit our lives. Our persistent money problems indicate an issue to be solved or a lesson to be learned. Spend hours to dig, study, and seek the one lesson that is seeking you.
We master our money by mastering ourselves. A meager garden is a sign of a gardener in need of growth. Find a problem below that you identify with, and then explore the life lessons related to this problem. Good luck.
You want wealth but don’t trust you will have it.
You are hesitant to set a goal for uncommon wealth.
You want a balanced life, but you’re worried about money.
Wealth is difficult due to your unique disadvantages.
You are always busy but you have little financial direction.
You struggle financially but reject the law of attraction.
Your financial condition feels hopeless due to current trappings.
You know what you want, but you don’t review written goals daily.
You live in financial anxiety, doubt, fear and worry over your monthly bills.
You are financially strapped, but you try to be happy.
In your line of work, you are not inclined to be among the best.
You’ve earned various incomes but have little cash in the bank.