Being easy-going when you have a goal to reach seldom makes the going easy. ––Frank Tyger
Your Daily Creed to Succeed.
I am one who tries, who shapes my life with useful hours, who is master of my attitude regardless of my conditions, who feels entitled to nothing except that which is earned, who knows the pride of effort regardless of outcome, and who, instead of settling for less, asks quietly, “Why not me?”
I am one who is impractical, who is even at times ridiculed, but who thinks independently and listens to my still inner voice to avoid the regrets of what might have been if only I’d followed the pull of my soul.
I am one who lives with purpose; who shows up each day and does the hard task; who seeks satisfaction over pleasure; who strives to make a difference, to make the world a better place; but who, when actions fail to produce impact, will know that failure was never due to partial efforts.
Alas, I am one who lies spent, exhausted, certain that there’s nothing more that could have been offered on the altar of my life, who meets the end with a clear conscience of having passed the ultimate test of giving my best.