It’s a lot easier to stick to familiar routines than to face uncertainty. ––the Wealthy Gardener

When we’re certain, we’re not learning. When we’re unsure, we’re in a place of possibilities. We crave security, but we need uncertainty.
It takes a big person to step forward into the unknown.
Deepak Chopra has a chapter worth reading about the wisdom of uncertainty in his classic book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.
“I thought security was my friend and uncertainty my enemy,” Chopra wrote in a recent blog. “If only I knew then, as I know now, that there is wisdom in uncertainty. It opens a door to the unknown, and only from the unknown can life be renewed constantly.”
I hate uncertainty. Absolutely and innately, I loathe insecurity.
I recall a scene from Indiana Jones where the character closes his eyes, musters his strength, and steps off a cliff. Instead of falling to his doom, however, Indie’s foot lands on an invisible bridge.
Behind the defining moments of our lives, we will surely look back at a decision when we once took a risk and walked directly into uncertainty. We chose to accept whatever trials we had to endure, and we were willing to bet on ourselves to handle the adversity.