We leave our wealth to chance by failing to set financial goals. ––the Wealthy Gardener

At the age of thirty, I set ambitious financial goals with completion dates. Despite being broke, I specifically set a financial goal of having a passive income of $220,000 by the age of 50.
During my thirties, it was a constant struggle to establish the habit of reviewing financial goals. There were times when, without consciously quitting, I just mindlessly stopped doing it for no good reason.
There were also times when I avoided my goals out of frustration. Nothing was working, and this lack of progress was disappointing.
But then came a string of years when I got it right, when I stayed focused daily, and that is when I saw the magic of goal focus.
Brian Tracy once said, “An average person with average talent, ambition and education can outstrip the most brilliant genius in our society, if that person has clear, focused goals.”
I had a goal of $220,000 by the age of 50. And the day came, at that age, when my passive income was within a hundred dollars of it!
It’s vital to take control of this one life with clear goals.
A definite chief aim provides clarity that precedes all strategic plans, key decisions, and subsequent actions. It is the start of directing an inner wisdom that’s available to those who will pause to listen.

Would like to share this with my kids….. can i do this in messinger?
Scott, I’m almost 54 years old. That means I know less than you about these things. LOL
Thank you for your work. I value your book and your guidance immensely.
Thank you for say so!